Acupuncture South Devon

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body. Originally from China, acupuncture is now used all over the world and is increasingly recognised as an evidence-based treatment option for a range of conditions such as migraines and chronic pain. Nick currently provides acupuncture in South Devon.

Acupuncture aims to address the root of a persons health issue, rather than focus on specific symptoms in isolation. By regulating the nervous system, acupuncture can reduce stress and promote homeostasis, helping restore the body to physiological state of balance. This stimulates the body’s own innate healing and recovery mechanisms, which is why acupuncture can potentially help with different kinds of health issues.

What can Acupuncture help with?

People usually have acupuncture to help with particular symptoms and conditions; especially for conditions where they are in a lot of pain.

Research is increasingly showing acupuncture to be effective treatment option for a range of different health conditions. However, the evidence is stronger for some conditions than for others. Please visit our dedicated acupuncture research page for a summary of the current evidence base for different conditions.

You can also check out Nick’s acupuncture research podcast where he discusses the latest evidence with some of the leading experts in the field!

Did you know?

Acupuncture is officially recommended in the UK for many types of chronic pain including:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic primary headache and facial pain
  • Chronic primary musculoskeletal pain
  • Chronic primary visceral pain
  • Migraines


Source: NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence)

Acupuncture Ivybridge South devon​ 2

Whole Person Healthcare

Acupuncture is about more than just the needles (and no, they don’t hurt!) It is commonly combined with other therapies including Massage, Cupping & Moxibustion as part of whole system of care.

As well as direct hands-on treatment, practitioners are also trained to provide individualised nutritional and lifestyle support to help optimise your health and recovery.

Acupuncture aims to assess and address complex health complaints in a bespoke way, looking at the bigger picture of your health, wellbeing and lifestyle. This way we can provide a more comprehensive healthcare solution tailored to you individually.

Wondering if Acupuncture can help you?

We commonly see patients with chronic health issues, where conventional treatments have either not helped, or where they have experience too many side-effects from medications.

Sound familiar?